DC-2013--The Lisbon Proceedings
DC-2013--The Lisbon Proceedings
Papers, Project Reports and Posters for DC-2013 in Lisbon, Portugal, 2-6 September 2013

Full Papers

Kai Eckert
Provenance and Annotations for Linked Data
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Jian Qin, Kai Li
How Portable Are the Metadata Standards for Scientific Data? A Proposal for a Metadata Infrastructure
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Hannah Tarver, Mark Phillips
Lessons Learned in Implementing the Extended Date/Time Format in a Large Digital Library
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Mi Tian, György Fazekas, Dawn Black, Mark Sandler
Towards the Representation of Chinese Traditional Music: A State of the Art Review of Music Metadata Standards
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Diane Ileana Hillmann, Gordon Dunsire, Jon Phipps
Maps and Gaps: Strategies for Vocabulary Design and Development
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Mariana Curado Malta, Ana Alice Baptista
A Method for the Development of Dublin Core Application Profiles (Me4DCAP V0.1): A Description
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Tsunagu Honma, Mitsuharu Nagamori, Shigeo Sugimoto
Find and Combine Vocabularies to Design Metadata Application Profiles using Schema Registries and LOD Resources
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Antoine Isaac, Valentine Charles, Kate Fernie, Costis Dallas, Dimitris Gavrilis, Stavros Angelis
Achieving Interoperability between the CARARE Schema for Monuments and Sites and the Europeana Data Model
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Jihee Beak, Richard P. Smiraglia
With a Focused Intent: Evolution of DCMI as a Research Community
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Jane Greenberg, Shea Swauger, Elena Feinstein
Metadata Capital in a Data Repository
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Liddy Nevile
DC Metadata is Alive and Well (and has Influenced a New Standard for Education)
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Gordon Dunsire, Mirna Willer, Predrag Perožić
Representation of the UNIMARC Bibliographic Data Format in Resource Description Framework
PDF (Paper)

Project Reports

Alejandro Villar Fernández, Ana Santurtún Zarrabeitia
Implementation of a Linked Open Data Solution for the Statistics Agency of Cantabria's Metadata and Data Bank
PDF (Project Report)
Biligsaikhan Batjargal, Takeo Kuyama, Fuminori Kimura, Akira Maeda
Linked Data Driven Dynamic Web Services for Providing Multilingual Access to Diverse Japanese Humanities Databases
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Dominique Ritze, Katarina Boland
Integration of Research Data and Research Data Links into Library Catalogues
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Inna Kouper, Stacy R. Konkiel, Jennifer A. Liss, Juliet L. Hardesty
Collaborate, Automate, Prepare, Prioritize: Creating Metadata for Legacy Research Data
PDF (Project Report)
João Aguiar Castro, Cristina Ribeiro, João Rocha da Silva
Designing an Application Profile Using Qualified Dublin Core: A Case Study with Fracture Mechanics Datasets
PDF (Project Report)
Rene Kelpin, Antje von Schmidt, Michael Hepting, Petra Kokus, Alexandra Leipold, Thorsten Schäfer
Using Dublin Core Standard for the Metadata Description of Transport Statistics -- Practical Experience from a Project Dedicated to the Set-Up of an Interlinked Statistics Portal
PDF (Project Report)
Alexander Haffner
IN2N: Cross-institutional Authority Collaboration
PDF (Project Report)
Nuno Freire, Markus Muhr
Use of Authorities Open Data in the ARROW Rights Infrastructure
PDF (Project Report)
Nikolaos Loutas, Stijn Goedertier, João Rodrigues Frade, Christophe Colas, Michiel De Keyzer, Debora Di Giacomo, Makx Dekkers, Vassilios Peristeras
Realising a Federation of Repositories of Reusable Metadata
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Muriel Foulonneau, Eric Ras, Elie Abou Zeid, Talar Atéchian
Reusing Textual Resources in Educational Assessment: Adding Text Readability Metrics to Learning Metadata
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Hsueh-hua Chen, Yu Lin, Cynthia Chen
Approaches to Building Metadata for Data Curation
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Miaoling Chai, Jiang Zhu
The Research of Open Conference Resources Organization based on RDA Description
PDF (Extended Abstract)
Michael D. Crandall, Joseph Tennis, Stuart A. Sutton, Thomas Baker, David Talley
Planning a Platform for Learning Linked Data
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Joachim Neubert
ZBW Labs: Publish Projects as Linked Data
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Pedro Príncipe, Eloy Rodrigues, Najla Rettberg, Jochen Schirrwagen, Mathias Loesch, Mikael Karstensen Elbæk, Lars Holm Nielsen
OpenAIRE Guidelines for Data Archive, Literature Repository and CRIS Managers
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Marina Morgan, M. J. Suhonos, Fangmin Wang
Digital Humanities and Metadata: Linking the Past to the Digital Future
PDF (Extended Abstract)
Nalini Umashankar
Using Metadata Standards to Improve IMF and National Data
PDF (Extended Abstract)