Integration of Research Data and Research Data Links into Library Catalogues
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How to Cite

Ritze, D., & Boland, K. (2013). Integration of Research Data and Research Data Links into Library Catalogues. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 35–40. Retrieved from


prototype features links between publications and underlying Traditionally, research data and publications are held in separate systems. This results in a disadvantageous situation for researchers as they need to use a variety of different systems to find relevant information about a topic. We therefore face the challenge to overcome the boundaries between bibliographic records and research data by providing an integrated search environment for publications and research data. Because of the inherently different system structure and the diverse metadata for publications and datasets respectively, one type of data cannot easily be integrated into information systems for the other data type. We present the challenges that arise when adapting a bibliographic library system to include the additional data and give recommendations for an efficient implementation. By presenting our enhanced prototype, we show the applicability and practicability of our proposed solutions. Since our library catalogue research datasets, we provide direct access to research data metadata stored in remote research data repositories and thus connect both types of information systems.
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