DC-2015--The São Paulo Proceedings
DC-2015--The São Paulo Proceedings
Papers, Project Reports and Posters for DC-2015 in São Paulo, Brazil, 1-4 September 2015

Full Papers

Biswanath Dutta, Durgesh Nandini, Gautam Kishore Shahi
MOD: Metadata for Ontology Description and Publication
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Isabelle Mougenot, Jean-Christophe Desconnets, Hatim Chahdi
A DCAP to Promote Easy-to-Use Data for Multiresolution and Multitemporal Satellite Imagery Analysis
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Mariana Curado Malta, Ana Alice Baptista, Cristina Parente
A DCAP for the Social and Solidarity Economy
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Hannah Tarver, Mark Phillips, Oksana Zavalina, Priya Kizhakkethil
An Exploratory Analysis of Subject Metadata in the Digital Public Library of America
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Hannah Tarver, Mark Phillips
Exploratory Analysis of Metadata Edit Events in the UNT Libraries' Digital Collections
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Edward M. Krause, Erin Clary, Adrian Ogletree, Jane Greenberg
Evolution of an Application Profile: Advancing Metadata Best Practices through the Dryad Data Repository
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Liddy Nevile, Eva M. Méndez
Do We Need Application Profiles? Reflections and Suggestions from Work in DCMI and ISO/IEC
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Emma Tonkin
Language-Acquisition Inspired Sustainability Modeling for Application Profiles
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Thomas Bosch, Kai Eckert
Guidance, Please! Towards a Framework for RDF-Based Constraint Languages
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Ayla Stein, Santi Thompson
Understanding Metadata Needs when Migrating DAMS
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Diego José Macêdo, Milton Shintaku, Ronnie Fagundes de Brito
Dublin Core Usage for Describing Documents in Brazilian Government Digital Libraries
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Rachel Cristina Vesu Alves, Ana Carolina Simionato, Felipe Augusto Arakaki, Paula Regina Ventura Amorim Gonçalez, Ana Paula Grisoto, Plácida Leopoldina Ventura Amorim da Costa Santos
BEAM Repository: A Proposal for Family and Personal Repository
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Morgana Carneiro Andrade, Ana Alice Rodrigues Pereira Baptista
The Use of Application Profiles and Metadata Schemas by Digital Repositories: Findings from a Survey
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Xia Lin, Michael Khoo, Jae-wook Ahn, Ceri Binding, Douglas Tudhope, Hilary Jones, Diana Massam
A DDC Visual Interface for Metadata Exploration
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John Kunze, Greg Janée, Joan Starr
EZID: Easy Identifier and Metadata Management
PDF (Poster)
Cleverton Ferreira Borba, Pedro Luiz Pizzigatti Correa
Using Metadata for Interoperability of Species Distribution Models
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Sophie Aubin, Pascal Aventurier, Ivo Júnior Pierozzi, Leandro Henrique Mendonça Oliveira
Interlinking Two Institutional KOS about Agroecology: Using LOD Agrovoc to Circumvent the Language Barrier in Identifying Terminological Intersections
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Lais Carrasco, Silvana A. Borsetti Gregorio Vidotti
Dublin Core and CIDOC CRM Harmonization
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Thomas Baker, Michael D. Crandall, Stuart A. Sutton, Marcia Lei Zeng
LD4PE: A Competency-Based Framework for DCMI's Professional Education and Training Agenda
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Deborah Maron, Jacob Hill
How Should We Teach Metadata? What Comparisons Between Job Ad and Classroom Trends Can Tell Us About Preparing LIS Students
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Vilma Rocio Hualla Mamani, Reinhard Simon, Robert Mwanga, Henry Saul Juarez Soto, Genoveva Rossel Montesinos
Sweet Potato Ontology
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Yue Zhang, Jane Greenberg, Adrian Ogletree, Garritt Tucker
Advancing Materials Science Semantic Metadata via HIVE
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Elaine Parra Affonso, Elizabete Cristina de Souza de Aguiar Monteiro, Ricardo César Gonçalves Sant'ana
Study of Adhesion between Dublin Core and Marc: Reviewing the Interoperability between UNESP and the National Library
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Sally Wilson, Marina Morgan
Bringing a Small Archival Collection to Life on the Web: Remembering the Real Winnie
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Agnei Silva, Cleverton Ferreira Borba, Pedro Luiz Pizzigatti Correa
Metadata for Models Generated by OpenModeller
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Felipe Augusto Arakaki, Plácida Leopoldina Ventura Amorim da Costa Santos, Rachel Cristina Vesu Alves
Evolution of Dublin Core Metadata Standard: An Analysis of the Literature from 1995-2013
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Adriana Carla Silva de Oliveira, Guilherme Ataíde Dias, Renata Lemos dos Anjos, Virgínia Miranda de Souza, Pedro Luiz P. Corrêa
Adopting the Dublin Core Standard for Describing Open Scientific Data: The e-Quilt Prototype Experiment
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Ana Carolina Simionato, Plácida Leopoldina Ventura Amorim da Costa Santos
Proposal of Application Profile for Digital Images for Libraries, Archives and Museums (DILAM) Conceptual Model
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