BEAM Repository: A Proposal for Family and Personal Repository
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Alves, R. C. V., Simionato, A. C., Arakaki, F. A., Gonçalez, P. R. V. A., Grisoto, A. P., & Santos, P. L. V. A. da C. (2015). BEAM Repository: A Proposal for Family and Personal Repository. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 136–145. Retrieved from


Preservation of cultural heritage has been widely discussed in the last decades. Different groups of people contribute to the production and preservation of cultural heritage through personal and family performance. However, there is a lack of environments specifically prepared to store and organize the resources produced by these groups, resulting in difficulties to access and preserve these materials along the time. The hypothesis is that the digital repository and the structured metadata standards are relevant tools to provide the suitable environment to store, describe, access and preserve family and personal resources. The study herein has a theoretical and applied basis, for it aims to investigate and confirm the hypothesis using theories and applying them. It aims at demonstrating that the digital repositories are relevant for the storage, description, access and preservation of personal and family information. During implementation of the digital repository, DSpace software and Dublin Core standard were used. As a result, the implemented repository showed itself as a viable alternative for storing this information. It is possible to conclude that such a digital repository constitutes a tool that guarantees the preservation, access and sharing of archives, resources and data produced by families and individuals in the digital environment.
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