Federated Searching System for Humanities Databases Using Automatic Metadata Mapping

How to Cite

Kimura, F., Toba, T., Tezuka, T., & Maeda, A. (2009). Federated Searching System for Humanities Databases Using Automatic Metadata Mapping. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, pp. 139–140. Retrieved from https://dcpapers-past.dublincore.org/pubs/article/view/967


Recently, many collections and resources in libraries and museums or research institutes are digitized and opened to the public. As there are many humanities databases, it is not easy for users to detect demanded information since users must input different information for each databases. This poster aims to construct a federated searching system for humanities databases with only one query input. In order to realize a federated searching system, metadata mapping for attribute-names is needed to absorb difference of input for each database. Therefore, in this poster, we propose a method of automatic metadata mapping using metadata elements that are compressed from Dublin Core Metadata elements.
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