A Semantic MediaWiki-Empowered Terminology Registry

How to Cite

Zou, Q., & Fan, W. (2009). A Semantic MediaWiki-Empowered Terminology Registry. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, pp. 107–112. Retrieved from https://dcpapers-past.dublincore.org/pubs/article/view/949


Semantic Wikis leverage the power of the Semantic Web and Wiki technologies. This project report introduces an approach of utilizing Semantic MediaWiki in particular as a platform for designing, developing, and constructing a terminology registry. A full-fledged terminology registry should be built on an open, integrated infrastructure for terminology services. It not only registers various metadata schemas and controlled vocabularies, but also provides a collaborative development environment for constructing terminology resources. At the current stage, the project has focused on tools and techniques which deploy the semantic wiki method of modeling and managing terminology resources. Preliminary findings of this project will be discussed.
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