A Survey of Metadata Use for Publishing Open Government Data in China
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How to Cite

Yuan, L., & Fan, W. (2017). A Survey of Metadata Use for Publishing Open Government Data in China. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 23. Retrieved from https://dcpapers-past.dublincore.org/pubs/article/view/3842


Open government data (OGD) is one important type of open data which grows fast all round the world. Many governments and organizations have already put their data online to the public. At the same time, linked data which conducted by W3C provides the publish mechanism and technical recommendation to explore the linkage of open data. Linked data promote the openness and availability of open data. Currently, 1,443 government related datasets are retrieved from datahub.io. This presentation will report on the state of metadata use of OGD in China. We investigate eight typical cases of China OGD which includes three levels (nation, province and city).
Presentation (PDF)
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