Customising location of knowledge

How to Cite

Apps, A., & MacIntyre, R. (2006). Customising location of knowledge. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, . Retrieved from


The process of scholarly research involves the discovery of material of interest, followed by its location and subsequent perusal. Zetoc is a current awareness citation service available to UK researchers for the initial discovery step. This paper highlights some recent discovery enhancements to Zetoc, and describes the subsequent location via OpenURL technology of articles discovered in Zetoc. The later steps within the scholarly research workflow, of location, request and delivery of research literature, are provided by further services, which may be chosen by either institution librarians or individuals. The dissemination of bibliographic citation details as interoperable components enables their use by downstream applications unknown to the source service, thus providing further opportunities for customisation of the location of knowledge.
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