Using the OpenURL Framework to Locate Bibliographic Resources

How to Cite

Apps, A., & MacIntyre, R. (2003). Using the OpenURL Framework to Locate Bibliographic Resources. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, pp. 143–152. Retrieved from


OpenURLs are already in use in digital library information services providing links between resources that are appropriate to the context of the end-user. The OpenURL Framework for Context-Sensitive Services, a systematic generalisation of the existing de facto standard OpenURL, is currently an ANSI/NISO 'draft standard for trial use'. The zetoc current awareness service has implemented OpenURL links enabling its users to access services pertinent to discovered article records, including their full text. The ‘ContextObject’ of the OpenURL Framework supplies a standard way of encoding the bibliographic citation information for a scholarly resource within a Dublin Core metadata record.
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