Assessing BIBFRAME 2.0: Exploratory Implementation in Metadata Maker
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How to Cite

Michael, B., & Han, M.-J. K. (2020). Assessing BIBFRAME 2.0: Exploratory Implementation in Metadata Maker. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 26–31. Retrieved from


As interest in linked data grows throughout the cultural heritage community, it is necessary to critically assess current tools for conversion and creation of linked data "records" and to explore new avenues for creating and encoding data using existing frameworks. This paper discusses the BIBFRAME 2.0 model and Library of Congress conversion specifications from MARC21 through the process of designing and implementing an adapted, minimal-level conversion framework into the cataloging web application, Metadata Maker. In the process of assessment, we identified and addressed local solutions for three key structural issues resulting from the Library of Congress conversion specifications: duplicated data, pervasiveness of blank nodes in RDF/XML, and prevalence of literal data values over URIs stemmed from the current MARC records environment. Additionally, we address concerns with how the BIBFRAME 2.0 model currently conceptualizes Work and linked data as a static "record."
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