Scherzo: A FRBR-Based Music Discovery System

How to Cite

Notess, M., Dunn, J. W., & Hardesty, J. L. (2011). Scherzo: A FRBR-Based Music Discovery System. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, ( ), 182–183. Retrieved from


The Scherzo music discovery system is one deliverable from the Variations/FRBR (V/FRBR) project at Indiana University (Riley, 2010). The objective of the V/FRBR project is to provide a real-world test of the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) model (IFLA, 1998) in the domain of music. In addition to creating a schema and FRBRization algorithm to populate a repository with data drawn from MARC bibliographic records, one experiment in the utility of the FRBR model has been to create a discovery system based on the FRBRized data, to explore the value of exposing FRBR structuring in the discovery interface.
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