Thesaurus Alignment for Linked Data Publishing

How to Cite

Morshed, A., Caracciolo, C., Johannsen, G., & Keizer, J. (2011). Thesaurus Alignment for Linked Data Publishing. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, ( ), 37–46. Retrieved from


As part of the publication of the AGROVOC thesaurus as Linked Data (LD), AGROVOC is now mapped with six well-known thesauri in the agricultural domain, i.e., EUROVOC, NALT, GEMET, STW, LCSH, RAMEAU. To find matching candidates, known matching algorithms discussed in the literature and available from public API were used. Results were evaluated by a domain expert, and almost total precision obtained. The candidate matches that were confirmed have already been added to the LD version of AGROVOC. Moreover, the owners of two of the thesauri mapped with AGROVOC have included in their data the mapping we identified. From this work, we conclude that we achieved our goal to enhance the Linked Data version of AGROVOC with reliable links to other thesauri, following a procedure that is fully replicable.
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