Designing AGRIS 2010 - Information Linking and Agricultural Research

How to Cite

Brickley, D., Keizer, J., & Anibaldi, S. (2009). Designing AGRIS 2010 - Information Linking and Agricultural Research. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, pp. 145–146. Retrieved from


1. Background This poster presents recent work on the redesign of a bibliographic database of research literature (AGRIS) to emphasise the interconnected, relational nature of modern Web metadata. Through exploring the evolving role of databases such as AGRIS, it has become clear that the connectivity patterns amongst the things described in the database (researchers, topics, institutes, places) can be better reflected online through a more explicit representation both in Web metadata and in user-facing Web sites. The distributed nature of the world described by AGRIS naturally fits a "linked data" deployment model, in which AGRIS becomes more than a document discovery portal - it becomes an entry point and map of the entire research landscape around some topic or theme.
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