Linking Entities in Scientific Metadata

How to Cite

Qin, J., Chen, M., Liu, X., & Wiggins, A. K. (2010). Linking Entities in Scientific Metadata. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 128–136. Retrieved from


Linked entity data in metadata records builds a foundation for semantic web. Even though metadata records contain rich entity data, there is no linking between associated entities such as persons, datasets, projects, publications, or organizations. We conducted a small experiment using the dataset collection from the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study (HBES), in which we converted the entities and their relationships into RDF triples and linked the URIs contained in RDF triples to the corresponding entities in the Ecological Metadata Language (EML) records. Through the transformation program written in XML Stylesheet Language (XSL), we turned a plain EML record display into an interlinked semantic web of ecological datasets. The experiment suggests a methodological feasibility in incorporating linked entity data into metadata records. The paper also argues for the need of changing the scientific as well as general metadata paradigm.
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