DigitalNZ ā-tihi o Aotearoa: Connecting the Digital Content of New Zealand: Advice, Open Standards and Interoperability.

How to Cite

Rollitt, K. (2009). DigitalNZ ā-tihi o Aotearoa: Connecting the Digital Content of New Zealand: Advice, Open Standards and Interoperability. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, pp. 141–143. Retrieved from


DigitalNZ ā-tihi o Aotearoa is a nationwide initiative implemented by the National Library of New Zealand and an outcome of the government’s New Zealand Digital Content Strategy (2007). Intended as a long-term programme of work DigitalNZ aims to find ways to make New Zealand’s rapidly growing digital content more visible, discoverable and accessible in an ever-changing digital environment. DigitalNZ aims to connect New Zealand’s digital content from collections of significance and find ways for New Zealanders to engage in, use and reuse digital content. This poster reports on work to establish a framework for the adoption, dissemination and promotion of open digital standards to maintain the integrity of New Zealand’s digital content over time.
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