junii2 and AIRway: An Application Profile for Scholarly Works and Its Application for Link Resolvers

How to Cite

Horikoshi, K., Sugita, S., Nonaka, Y., Kamiya, S., Sugita, I., & Asoshina, H. (2008). junii2 and AIRway: An Application Profile for Scholarly Works and Its Application for Link Resolvers. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 207. Retrieved from https://dcpapers-past.dublincore.org/pubs/article/view/941


A large number of scholarly works is self-archived at the university’s Open Access repositories. Researchers can search these materials using general web search engines, OAI-PMH-based search engines, or by using federated search services. However, it remains difficult for researchers to access materials in these repositories using standard academic databases. The National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Japan has developed a DC application profile called junii2 for scholarly works. The AIRway Project (Access path to Institutional Resources via link resolvers) has used this profile to develop a new way of connecting university repositories with academic databases via link resolvers.
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