Redalyc OAI-PMH: The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (Protocol Version 2.0)

How to Cite

López, E. A., Salazar, R. R., García, A. B., & Flores, H. G. (2006). Redalyc OAI-PMH: The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (Protocol Version 2.0). International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, . Retrieved from


With the arrival of the new communication systems and the “disappearance” of the borderlines, new challenges emerged to scientific production and spreading. We recognized that great part of that production was unknown and its area of influence is limited. We stated what we already knew, that social sciences were under-represented in databases that determined “the great current of science” and that Latin American scientific journals would hardly enter the legitimized databases. The adoption of the Dublin Core format in Redalyc - that administers a wide database of arbitrated scientific articles of and on Ibero-America it has required to analyze the structure of metadata, in order to implement the protocol OAI-PMH, to fortify the search, recovery and indexing the database through harvesters and search engines over the Internet by making all the articles of its collection available, facing the challenge to give visibility to the Ibero- American scientific production.
The copyright for articles is retained by the author(s), with first publication rights granted to DCMI for publication in the electronic and print proceedings. By virtue of their appearance in this open access publication, articles are free to be used with proper attribution for educational and other non-commercial purposes. Other uses may require the permission of the author(s).