A Metadata Description Scheme and Corresponding Visual Methods of Teaching Resources Libraries

How to Cite

Zhou, N., Liu, W., Yang, C., Wu, J., & Zhang, C. (2004). A Metadata Description Scheme and Corresponding Visual Methods of Teaching Resources Libraries. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, . Retrieved from https://dcpapers-past.dublincore.org/pubs/article/view/788


Knowledge economy calls for educational innovation. To design and build teaching resources libraries of kernel curriculums are the component parts of educational innovation. This article discusses a series of technical problems about designing teaching resources libraries. Furthermore, it pays more attention to theoretic foundation and realization technologies oDf CEd (Dublin Core Education metadata) that is used to construct curriculum resources libraries about information organization. Here we concretely talk over some problems in the course of developing a courseware, including breakdown of knowledge units, establishment of multimedia materials, description of elements (multimedia objects) of resources library using XML/RD,F index systems, and visual methods.
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