A methodology for metadata modelling--depth for a flat world

How to Cite

Aschenbrenner, A. (2004). A methodology for metadata modelling--depth for a flat world. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, . Retrieved from https://dcpapers-past.dublincore.org/pubs/article/view/781


The recognition of the value of metadata continues to rise, and accordingly metadata frameworks are ever more widespread, they grow more comprehensive and they become increasingly complex. This rise in quantity, size, and complexity calls for a methodology that supports metadata design. Information modelling techniques as they are routinely employed in information system design and other domains are well suited for this task offering both visualisation techniques and an entire design methodology. Above all, information models help to manage complexity and leverage communication, thereby promoting reuse and interoperability. Already some metadata initiatives successfully employed modelling techniques building on the large body of existing experience in this area, yet these techniques remain to be widely adopted in the metadata world. Information modelling techniques allow visualisation for intuitive interpretation and clear communication, facilitate a structured approach to design, and create new perspectives on existing metadata models. This paper describes the application of information modelling to metadata. It also provides orientation where the metadata community can further extend their modelling skills to create quality metadata models with a robust design.
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