METS-Based Cataloging Toolkit for Digital Library Management System

How to Cite

Dong, L., Zhang, B., Xing, C., & Zhou, L. (2004). METS-Based Cataloging Toolkit for Digital Library Management System. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, . Retrieved from


This toolkit is designed for the Digital Library Management System of Tsinghua University (TH-DLMS). The aim of TH-DLMS is to build up a platform to preserve various kinds of digitalized resources, manage distributed repositories and provide kinds of service for research and education. This toolkit fulfills the cataloging and preservation functions of TH-DLMS. METS (Metadata Encoding and T ransmission Standard) encoded documents are used as the final storage format of metadata, including descriptive metadata, structural metadata and administrative metadata, and submitted to a management system based on Fedora (Flexible Extensible Digital Object and Repository Architecture).
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