The Virtual Image in Streaming Video Indexing

How to Cite

Palma, P., Petraglia, L., & Petraglia, G. (2002). The Virtual Image in Streaming Video Indexing. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, pp. 97–103. Retrieved from


Multimedia technology has been applied to many types of applications and the great amount of multimedia data need to be indexed. Especially the usage of digital video data is very popular today. In particular video browsing is a necessary activity in many kinds of knowledge. For effective and interactive exploration of large digital video archives there is a need to index the videos using their visual, audio and textual data. In this paper, we focus on the visual and textual content of video for indexing. In the former approach we use the Virtual Image and in the latter one we use the Dublin Core Metadata, opportunely extended and multilayered for the video browsing and indexing. Before to concentrate our attemption on the visual content we will explain main methods to video segmentation and annotation, in order to introduce the steps for video keyfeature extraction and video description generation.
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