Invited Paper: Japan Metadata Profile (JMP) for Geographic Information Clearinghouses

How to Cite

Ota, M. (2001). Invited Paper: Japan Metadata Profile (JMP) for Geographic Information Clearinghouses. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, pp. 289–293. Retrieved from


This paper aims to introduce Japan Metadata Standard (JMP) 1.1a as a normative annex of the draft metadata standard in Japan. It is produced by WG3 in the Joint Study Group that is organized by Geographical Survey Institute. 38 private companies in Japan are cooperating in it. JMP 1.1a is a profile of ISO/CD 15046-15 Metadata and it includes Cataloguing Information, Data Quality Information, Lineage and it ensures the possibility to link an application schema if it is open to users on the Internet. The Japanese draft metadata standard will be revised to harmonize with ISO/DIS 19115 in fiscal 2001.
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