A Framework for the Multi-modal Description of Learning Objects

How to Cite

Heinrich, E., & Chen, J. (2001). A Framework for the Multi-modal Description of Learning Objects. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, pp. 32–37. Retrieved from https://dcpapers-past.dublincore.org/pubs/article/view/646


World-wide large repositories of learning material are created with the dual goals of global access for the learner and of re-use of material by the teacher. Content description standards have been defined which make it possible to locate appropriate material. This paper looks into complementing these standards by extending the possibilities of describing the actual content of the learning material and by extending the use of these descriptions beyond the normal search-and-retrieve tasks. A framework for the multi-modal description of learning material is suggested. The framework aims at providing multiple content description mechanisms and suggests the design of an information system to perform this content description. The content description mechanisms are text-based, that is keywords, freeform text, FSCL description, and audio-based. The system design addresses issues like ownership, public and private access rights for description and the subsequent retrieval.
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