Singapore's Moments of Life: A Metadata Application
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How to Cite

Choi, K., & Jailani, H. (2020). Singapore’s Moments of Life: A Metadata Application. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 102–113. Retrieved from


As part of Singapore's smart nation initiative, Moments of Life (MOL) was created as a whole of government mobile application to serve citizens' needs better through technology. A strategic project under the Smart Nation and Digital Government Office, National Library Board Singapore (NLB) was invited to develop a metadata framework for the app. From parenting to active ageing and end of life needs, the app consolidates government services for important milestones in a citizen's life. E-government metadata standards and initiatives based on Dublin Core (DC) started as early as 2000s. The European Committee for Standardization CEN/ISSS has provided a methodology in developing an e-government metadata element set. This paper starts with a review of DC e-government metadata standards and initiatives, and the latest application of metadata for digital government. Thereafter, it presents how NLB applied its methodology to develop an application profile and a faceted taxonomy. As a multi-cultural society with 4 official languages, a common vocabulary is important for data to be shared, re-used and searched across agencies by citizens. This will not only help citizens to search for information more effectively, but it will ready MOL content for structured data implementation for Internet discovery. The challenges faced, features of the mobile app such as profiling and filtering, global search and faceted navigation are effectively achieved with the use of Dublin Core as the metadata schema for supporting MOL.
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