VitroLib: From an ontology and instance editor to a linked data cataloging editor
Presentation Abstract (PDF)

How to Cite

Khan, H., Rayle, L., & Younes, R. (2017). VitroLib: From an ontology and instance editor to a linked data cataloging editor. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 91. Retrieved from


The Mellon Foundation-funded Linked Data For Libraries Labs (LD4L Labs) and Linked Data For Libraries Production (LD4P) projects are exploring how to support library systems transition to the use of linked open data. As part of this work, we are developing a linked data cataloging editor called VitroLib. VitroLib extends Vitro, the open source ontology and instance editor that provides the ontology-agnostic semantic application underpinning VIVO, the researcher profiling system. VitroLib generates content display and content editing interfaces based on BIBFRAME, Bibliotek-o which extends BIBFRAME, and related ontologies. In this presentation, we will provide an overview of the design and implementation of VitroLib, results of usability testing exploring how catalogers can use VitroLib to catalog bibliographic metadata, and how VitroLib development has used application profiles.
Presentation Abstract (PDF)
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