Expanding the Institutional Repository Mission: Innovating with Linked Data for NASA Digital Curation
Presentation Abstract (PDF)

How to Cite

Hieb, A. M., Pearson, M. M., & Shelton, M. (2017). Expanding the Institutional Repository Mission: Innovating with Linked Data for NASA Digital Curation. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 51. Retrieved from https://dcpapers-past.dublincore.org/pubs/article/view/3868


Historically, NASA mission information has not been maintained in any single, accessible authority. To both achieve its goal of creating better connections in GSFCIR and to provide a valuable resource to present and future NASA communities, the Goddard Library is producing a linked data thesaurus of NASA mission names, including equivalence, hierarchical, and associative relationships. This presentation focuses on how the Library established the need for a NASA-focused linked data missions thesaurus, the careful process of domain analysis and vocabulary development, and its role in aiding future digital curation efforts as GSFCIR grows with new collections.
Presentation Abstract (PDF)
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