Open Government Data for Data Curation and Data Integration
Presentation (PDF)

How to Cite

Smiraglia, R., & Park, H. (2017). Open Government Data for Data Curation and Data Integration. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 88–89. Retrieved from


This presentation addresses cultural heritage data-sharing practices through the use of Republic of Korea open government data for data-curation and data integration. Data curation enables data-sharing throughout the data management life cycle to create new value for new user needs. Our research employed a visualization phase, in which we used domain analytical techniques to better understand the contents of the population of 375 library-related open government cultural heritage data available at the Korean Open Government Website ( Researchers translated all records from Korean to English. Data were in unstructured and in heterogeneous formats such as file formats, data formats and or web addresses. For data curation and integration, we employed the meta-level ontology known as the CIDOC-CRM, which we applied qualitatively to small sets of carefully selected records. To map instantiation of records, which is required for data integration, we used FRBRoo (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records – object oriented), an extension of the CIDOC CRM, to map the instantiation of data records in a typical data-sharing scenario. Then, equivalent mapping processes were comparatively tested with visualizations to demonstrate the effective harmonization between the CIDOC CRM and FRBRoo, which enables the integration of metadata and data curation from unstructured and heterogeneous formats. This presentation may contribute to the cross- or meta-institutional integration of curation across institutional boundaries in cultural heritage.
Presentation (PDF)
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