Building Bridges to the Future of a Distributed Network: From DiRT Categories to TaDiRAH, a Methods Taxonomy for Digital Humanities
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How to Cite

Perkins, J., Dombrowski, Q., Borek, L., & Schöch, C. (2014). Building Bridges to the Future of a Distributed Network: From DiRT Categories to TaDiRAH, a Methods Taxonomy for Digital Humanities. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 181–183. Retrieved from


Efforts to establish centralized hubs of information relevant to digital humanities (DH) have proven unsustainable over the long term. Comprehensive hubs are currently being re-designed with a smaller scope and focused curation. However, this smaller scope comes with the risk of decontextualization -- a digital humanities project is best understood through the intersection of its subject matter, methodologies and applications, not all of which are captured by any single site. This poster will trace the development and application of 'TaDiRAH' a shared taxonomy of digital humanities research activities and objects, created for the purpose of bridging the divide between related digital humanities hubs.
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