Extending Basic Dublin Core Elements for an Open Research Data Archive
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How to Cite

Wira-Alam, A., Dimitrov, D., & Zenk-Möltgen, W. (2012). Extending Basic Dublin Core Elements for an Open Research Data Archive. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 56–61. Retrieved from https://dcpapers-past.dublincore.org/pubs/article/view/3664


In our project "DATORIUM", we intend to provide a simple, open research data repository which focuses on social science research data. We encourage researchers to deposit their data and disseminate them among communities or academic partners. One of the key problems for long-term archiving is ensuring that the metadata elements are consistent and compatible with other standards. This paper discusses the use of basic DublinCore elements with some simple extensions for structuring the data at study level. Moreover, we also depict the interplay between the emerging combination and the DDI metadata elements, particularly DDI-Lifecycle, and the possibility of using RDF to bring the data into the Linked Open Data Cloud.
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