Satellites, the Elsevier Format for Ancillary Information to Scientific Journals and Books

How to Cite

Kuilman, D., & Ruck, M. (2011). Satellites, the Elsevier Format for Ancillary Information to Scientific Journals and Books. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, ( ), 86–93. Retrieved from


Elsevier presents the Satellite format -- a linked data compliant data format to capture, store and expose metadata objects using open standards based metadata frameworks e.g. SKOS, DCMI and SWAN. The satellite format allows for an array of configurable features to be defined on a perproject basis to specify the metadata object and its required business usage. A key use case presented in detail is the modeling of tagging information sourced by text mining and content enhancement suppliers to persist scientific document annotation expressed in RDF, linking text strings within the document to concept URIs in scientific vocabularies.
The copyright for articles is retained by the author(s), with first publication rights granted to DCMI for publication in the electronic and print proceedings. By virtue of their appearance in this open access publication, articles are free to be used with proper attribution for educational and other non-commercial purposes. Other uses may require the permission of the author(s).